Juicy Orange and Mountain Mint. Check how this unusual mixture of summer and winter flavours changed Mik Mak and his mountain snowboarding adventure. Will Mik Mak cope with another challenge?
Some of us don’t like winter, while others love it. So does Mik Mak, our friend, who received his nickname because he loves eating Mik Maks whenever he can. But can we blame him for that? We all love sweets and I am not an exception. Mik Mak decided to spend his winter holidays in the Sudetes, where he wanted to practice snowboarding. He had a really ingenious plan! He was planning to land his first Backside 180 today. Oh yes, this was he challenge that he was planning to do. In his pocket, he had his favourite Mik Maks that combined the Juicy Orange flavour that reminded him of summer, and fresh Mountain Mint. These colourful candy pieces and their great mix always gave him the power to act and the will to take challenges. This is what it was like this time, too. Why Mik Maks of all the sweets? Well, he liked the fact that these sweets are 50% orange-flavoured sugar pastilles, while the other 50% are mint-flavoured. He has never seen such unusual mix anywhere else. Even the popular Tic Tacs could not offer that.

Mik Mak climbed the top of the mountain. The snowy landscape was breath-taking! The conditions for snowboarding and practising were perfect. Many people were skiing or darting by on their skiboards, strewing others over with snow. Perfect – thought Mik Mak and he took his favourite sugar candy out of his pocket. First, he put the Mountain Mint in his mouth. The taste awoke him instantly and made him ready to act. Then, Juicy Orange landed in his mouth. The colour, which some of you probably associate with epic RPG games artefacts brought an image of summer, beach and fun in the water, full of laughter and wet hair, to Mik Mak’s mind. Excited by the candy and the mix that he felt in his mouth, he decided that on that day, after many weeks of practising, he will finally do the trick. But at first, he did not succeed. After two hours of jumping and falling, he felt tired. Standing on top of the mountain, the boy put some more Mik Mak sugar candy in his mouth and decided that he would make it. He gained speed and snow was splatting in front of his snowboard. He leaped high and made a turn. After a few seconds that seemed to last for hours, he felt his feet hit the soft ground. He made it! He landed the most difficult jump! Good job, Mik Mak! We are sure you will do great in the next challenges, too.